Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Archive for January, 2009

News of the weak, Part 2

Friday, January 30th, 2009

Bloomberg gives a good overview of the cuts at the LA Times — and the ever-shifting management lineup of recent years.

Which only served to remind me that I had forgotten to indict Tribune Company in all this. My mistake. Consider them blamed as well.

The LA Weekly’s Jill Stewart adds this:

We’ve heard back from several top journalists at the Los Angeles Times, who are still in shock over the stunningly bad news that, amidst more layoffs, the California Section, previously known as Metro, will be wiped out and tucked somewhere in the A Section of the recession-whacked newspaper.

This is a big deal, the news quickly appearing in Variety and dozens of other sites. One of the journos I respect the most in Los Angeles, Times reporter and education expert Howard Blume, who is also a former editor and writer at LA Weekly, had this to say in an email to me a short time ago:

“I don’t really know how this is going to work. The discussions have taken place well above my pay grade. There will still be a newspaper, and some of us will still be working here. And those folks will still do their darndest to put out a quality, relevant newspaper. And the rest of us will be looking for alternative employment. This is Journalism 2009.”

As we continue to follow the decline of the Los Angeles Times, remember: It didn’t have to be like this. They can blame new tech for rendering their quaint ways obsolete — but greed and mismanagement left them unprepared for the tides of change.

News of the weak

Friday, January 30th, 2009

A friend who is a longtime employee of the Los Angeles Times leaked the paper’s most recent internal cost-cutting announcement:

From: Hartenstein, Eddy
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 12:02 PM
To: zzTrbAllHandsLAT; zzMediaGroups
Subject: Important Message


As you know from reading our front page and our homepage, not a day goes by that we don’t give our readers the latest news and analysis on the deepening troubles of the US economy. The same challenges that face the companies we report about also are affecting us.  We need to implement changes to our flagship print product, and throughout our organization, that will ensure our future as the #1 source of news and information in Southern California.

In the coming weeks, we will introduce a number of changes to the way we do business, including a new sectional line-up for the paper.  These are necessary to facilitate greater efficiencies in how we approach our operations, production and distribution and, as a result, we expect to eliminate approximately 300 positions.

Beginning March 2nd the paper will be presented in four main news sections:

A/Main News will be repositioned to present local, national and international coverage and opinion together – as each informs, impacts and shapes the others in our everyday lives. The California section report will lead A, followed by The Nation, The World and then Opinion.  The result will combine the stories and reporting of our two most widely-read print sections into one cohesive section.

Business will be the second section in the paper, and the report will be enhanced by bringing back the “Company Town” feature, which will serve as the anchor for our “business of entertainment” coverage.  The obituaries and weather pages will remain at the back of this new B section.

Sports will be the third section, and we’ll be moving the classified advertising pages to the back of this new C section.

Calendar will be the fourth section, and this move allows its deadlines to be pushed deep into the evening (aka “second-daily”), allowing us to make our primary space for entertainment coverage more news-driven. This will enrich this current “must read” section even further, enabling us to add features such as overnight reviews.

The feature-section lineup will remain unchanged, with Health on Monday, Food on Wednesday, Home on Saturday and Image, Travel and Arts & Books on Sunday.  The Sunday lineup also will be unchanged, except for the California report appearing in the A section.

These moves are designed to help us deal with the economic realities of the day, while continuing to allow us to deliver a high-quality product to our readers and advertisers.  We remain unwavering in our commitment to serve our community and to our mission.

We’ll be providing more details in the days ahead.


No matter how it is presented, this further shrinking of the paper is indeed sad news to me. I have been a loyal subscriber to and reader the Los Angeles Times for 20 years.

At the same time, I can’t help noting that while it’s not unusual in history for new technologies to displace pre-existing technologies — where are the telegraph lines now? — the Times’ particular predicament is largely a result of mismanagement.

In the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, and indeed until probably 2003, The Los Angeles Times was very profitable. The paper had double-digit profits — an enormous result compared against other companies its size, which make do on 3-6%.

Was any of this invested in the future? Was any of this set aside for a rainy day? While the editorial writers bemoaned Sacramento’s profligate spending, did they ask hard questions of the Chandler family or any of a number of Times Mirror management teams? In a different world, wiser heads would have realized that the Times was in the news business (rather than the newspaper business) and would have monetized the internet more quickly. What’s the difference between Craigslist and LATimes.com? The former makes a substantial global profit. And it was started by one guy named Craig in his house.

Instead of making appropriate investments, the paper has made one cut after another so that a string of owners — Sam Zell being only the latest — can fund their empires and maintain their stock prices. Which only makes me feel all the more foolish for maintaining a paid subscription to a newspaper that has no Book Review, no Opinion section, no Metro section, no Outdoors section, no Lifestyle section — and which maintains all its content utterly free online, where others can see what I’m seeing without paying for it. There are only two reasons I keep my subscription:  1) I’d rather read the comics in a newspaper than online, 2) pure sentimentality from someone who has loved newspapers all his life and who got his first job, with a newspaper, at age 14. And the sentimentality is wearing thin.

So yes, I bemoan what has befallen the Los Angeles Times. What especially saddens me is that its community of readers, as well as everyone else who relies upon the paper, is paying for the gross negligence of management.

One elephant who didn’t forget

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Regardless of the GOP members of the House who uniformly shunned the economic stimulus package, at least one Republican Senator has noticed the political trendlines and hasn’t forgotten 2006 (let alone November 2008). Minority leader Mitch McConnell says the GOP has to change. (Well, only if they want to stay in business, so to speak.)

But he also says: “It’s clear our message isn’t getting out to nearly as many people as it should … Too often we’ve let others define us. And the image they’ve painted isn’t very pretty.”

I have a different theory about this:  Your message got out loud and clear, and people don’t want it.

Stimulating thoughts

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

The House has approved President Obama’s economic stimulus package on a straight party-line vote: Not one Republican voted for it. The LA Times ventured a guess why:

For their part, Republicans showed remarkable unanimity. On major economic issues, typically a few moderate Republicans stray from the party line. This time, they seemed to be concerned chiefly with re-establishing their bona fides as fiscal conservatives, deriding excessive government spending while returning to their pro-tax-cut credo.

This begs the question: Where were these fiscal conservatives the past eight years when we could have used them? The massive deficits of 2001-2008 didn’t arrive by FedEx this January 20th.

Over at the Washington Post, George F. Will parses the package for the GOP. I’ll sum it up: Defer to the President — who, as Will points out, “received nearly 53 percent of the popular vote — better than Ronald Reagan’s 50.7 percent in 1980” — but don’t support pork projects not tied to stimulus. That seems fair — except these guys have no credibility on the issue. (See above.) And voting as a uniform bloc against the package? That doesn’t reflect individual thoughtfulness. That’s a crude political calculation. We’ll know within two years, if not far sooner, if it was a smart one.

Rabbit is read

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

I guess if Julian Barnes calls Updike’s “Rabbit” quadrilogy “the great masterpiece of postwar American fiction,” then I should read it. (Or them.) Because I’ll follow Barnes anywhere. And I’m certainly enjoying his latest right now.

Hulk says buy Hulk products

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


Lee likes Hulk fists. Keeps them where people that visit Lee can see them and use them if they are lucky. They are big and thick like Hulk’s fists, but rubbery soft — not like Hulk! Bang them and they talk like Hulk! “Hulk Smash!” or sometimes “GRRROARRRR!”

Lee goes home and what does he find on kitchen table? New Hulk game. It is great. Like old Operation game, but operate on Hulk instead! Hulk not need operation, but Hulk gets the joke. And old Hulk games made Hulk sad. Bad games, and bad drawings by Sal Buscema. Why they have Sal Buscema draw Hulk so much for so many years? Argh. Best part of new Hulk Operation game:  Have to remove toxic fart from Hulk! Look for yourself!


Except on box it looks like Hulk fart comes out on its own. Into Spider-Man’s face! Lee’s little boy loves this and Hulk loves this and Hulk is going to do it to Spider-Man next Secret War for sure.

Rabbit is dead

Tuesday, January 27th, 2009


John Updike has died.

While I’m not an admirer of his work per se — some suburban lives are better left unexamined — I do admire his powerful ability to convey the unsaid and deeply felt, especially in his earlier short stories.

How you find me

Monday, January 26th, 2009

Traffic is up — in LA, and to this blog. So I decided I’d check to see what search terms people are using to find this blog. In descending order of frequency, here’s what people searched for over the past three months, only to find me. (And you’ll find my comments at the very end.)

lee wochner 43
lee wochner 39
lee wochner 34
laura linney 33
leewochner 19
leewochner 17
katewinslet 16
the red skull captain america movie 16
leewochner 15
laura linney 9
augie wren 8
bad family photos 8
bill-dale marcinko 8
strange professions 8
computers internet blog 7
redneck play station 7
augie wren christmas story 6
bad family photos 6
strange professions 6
bad family photos 5
augie s christmas story 4
bad family photo 4
bukowski 4
computers internet blog 4
computers internet blog 4
holden depiction of family in american lit 4
laura linney 4
augie s christmas story 3
augie wren 3
augie wren christmas story 3
auster augie wren s christmas story 3
bad family photo 3
bad family pictures 3
found on road dead 3
katewinslet 3
statute of limitations on treason 3
strange professions 3
about 2
about 2
angels in america inciting incident 2
apology to mom 2
augie s story smokes 2
augie wren christmas pdf 2
augie wren s christmas story 2
augie wren s christmas story 2
bad family album pictures 2
bad family pictures 2
bad family pictures 2
bill idelson 2
brian kinler 2
captain america 1st 2
christopher guest 2
clinton blew the nomination 2
comic 2
cricket wordpress blogs 2
davidbyrnetour 2
downfall hitler famous scene 2
effects of diabetes doing meth 2
heather leikin 2
history of virginia 2
hitler 2
how owls can get up early 2
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http //leewochner.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/beanbeach.jpg 2
inciting incident in angels in america 2
katewinslet 2
lee wocher 2
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linney 2
m.butterfly rising action 2
marathon 2
michael crichton 2
november 2
pictures of bad family 2
pictures of laura linney 2
piratecon new orleans 2
reading 2
recent classics 2
romantic birthday gifts 2
smoke augy christmas 2
social security changes email it does not matter if you personally like or dislike bush. hoax 2
statute of limitations treason 2
steven leigh morris 2
the red skull captain america movie 2
thoughts 2
underground book 2
werner herzog months watch alone 2
william fichtner stalker 2
young americans photographs by sheila pree bright 2
abutting 1
admission marketing report 1
afta bill dale marcinko 1
allow illegal aliens to access our social security 1
anemia signs symptoms 1
annie fannie comics 1
anywhere redneck playstation 1
april 1
artisan guardian obama 1
as stated below the senate voted this week to allow illegal aliens access to 1
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caisleys famouse histrey 1
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dc website creator 1
december 1
directed by joe ochman 1
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dirty bad family pictures 1
do school kill creativity 1
does chuck suck 1
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email dear mr president ! we the undersigned protest the bill that the 1
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it is already impossible to live on social security alone. if the government gives benefits to illegal aliens who have never contributed to the plan where does that leave those of us who have paid into social security all our working lives? 1
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protest the bill that the senate voted on recently which would allow illegal aliens hoax 1
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raquetball with werner herzog 1
re told tales of war times harold f blake 1
read augie wren christmas story 1
really indie things 1
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rush limbaugh straw man arguments 1
san diego sheraton hotel and comic-con 1
search 1
seaworld crowd levels at christmas 1
section 1
senate voted on recently which would allow illegal aliens 1
september 1
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smoke – augie wren s christmas story 1
snopes require citizenship as a pre-requisite for social services in the united states 1
social security changes 1/3 petition to president bush email hoax 1
social security changes email spam 1
social security changes hoax 1
social security changes it is already impossible to live on social security alone. if the government gives benefits to illegal aliens who have never contributed where does that leave those of us who have paid into social security all our workin g lives? 1
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spam comment@whitehouse gov 1
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www.leewochner.com/blog 1
which is better name larry or lawrence

Of course, I have a few thoughts about this:

  1. Laura Linney has lots of fans. Who knew? I guess there is a market for brainy talented women. Good. But why are they winding up here? In the two-and-a-half years of writing this blog, I’ve mentioned her once. And unlike with Kate Winslet, I didn’t post a topless photo.
  2. Paul Auster has lots of fans too. (“Augie Wren’s Christmas Story” is by Mr. Auster. Originally it was told, by Harvey Keitel, in the movie “Smoke.” Then it was published as a book.)
  3. I’ve removed from these search listings the names of friends and loved ones. I’ll tell you why. I’ve written here before about “internet death”: finding out via the internet that someone you know has died. Well, someone searched “(insert name of Lee’s friend here) dies.” It was for a friend I hadn’t spoken with in a few months. My blood ran cold. I checked and he’s still alive.
  4. Someone Googled “april.” And this blog came up. As well as 1 out of every 12 other websites in the universe.
  5. Someone searched for “people.” This search makes me think that some people shouldn’t have Google or computers or electricity. Perhaps the only less-defined search one could perform than “people” would be “a” or “the.” Or, actually, “e.”
  6. What’s with the straw? Someone wants to know “can you receive social security benefits after you take your strawman back.” Me? Not so much. Someone else searched “make you eat out of straw illegal.” If it isn’t, it should be.
  7. What’s with the Larry? So many Larry searches. Larry larry larry. Including this one: “which is better name larry or lawrence.” The latter. Here’s why:


(Sorry, Larry.)

Today’s music video

Monday, January 26th, 2009

This video comes courtesy of San Diego band The New Forward. I hope you like it, but not too much — because they already broke up. I’m very late to this parade, especially given that I knew the lead singer; we have a mentor in common, David Scott Milton. To me, he was a very influential teacher of writing; to her, she’s Dad. Yes, I remember Abby (or “Ava,” as the band’s site calls her) when she was a little girl, and also several years ago when she was still in high school and my clueless mid-30’s playwright friend was hitting on her one night when David brought her to see one of my plays.

(David, by the way, is still very much with us, and is working on a new play. And let’s keep it that way, always.)

Anyway, here’s the video. I think you’ll agree that as a lead singer she’s quite animated.

Heroic hopes

Monday, January 26th, 2009


Thanks to good friend Doug Hackney for making me aware of this.

I’ll tell you what I told Doug:  Superman has saved the world innumerable times. Wonder Woman has sometimes played a role in that. Spider-Man, by contrast, is incapable of paying the rent or keeping track of Aunt May.