Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Today’s music video

In honor of the mistreated guy at A.I.G., today’s music video is “March of Greed” by Pere Ubu, animated by the Brothers Quay.

(And why does the band Pere Ubu sing about “Pere Ubu”? Because the band is named after the character, and this video is taken from “Bring Me The Head Of Ubu Roi,” an adaptation of Alfred Jarry’s “Ubu Roi.” Which had better come to L.A., or I warn you, someone will pay the price.)

By the way, if you like the song — and who wouldn’t? — you can download it free here.

2 Responses to “Today’s music video”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    Thanks for the clip. I recently picked up a used copy of collected Quay shorts, including videos for Nine Inch Nails songs and something based on the writing of Bruno Schulz. The DVD is from Kino Video. This piece is quite different from their usual meticulous manipulations of broken dolls and stuffed bunnies, but works well with the song. So why don’t I have any Alfred Jarry on my bookshelves? I must correct that.

  2. Lee Wochner Says:

    I know why — because about 25 years ago I bought your copy of The Ubu Plays in your basement-cleaning garage sale. I still have it and refer to it often. Thanks!

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