Respect for the dead
Respect comes from honesty. You can’t respect opinions if they aren’t honest, and you can’t respect people if you aren’t honest about them.
So, out of respect for the late Antonin Scalia, I have this to say: Sure, he was a “strict constructionist” — until it came to Bush v. Gore, that is, whereupon he and the rest of the majority on the Supreme Court twisted themselves into pretzels to halt the recount and name Bush the “winner.” Without Scalia, we would’ve had no Iraq war, hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive, thousands of soldiers and civilians wouldn’t have been horribly maimed, and we’d have trillions more in the treasury.
Think about that.
And ask yourself if that isn’t what should go onto the tombstone. Out of respect for the truth.
February 15th, 2016 at 1:19 pm
I quite agree; the death goes unmourned in this house.
February 21st, 2016 at 8:25 pm
Surprise! I strongly disagree.