Remember the other day I was mentioning my discussion with my assemblyman, Paul Krekorian? Here’s a photo of that moment in time from today’s Burbank Leader (the local newspaper supplement to the Los Angeles Times), and here’s the story, if you’re inclined to bone up on Burbank politics.
Although the paper’s caption says he “talks to John Gallogly and Lee Wochner,” the photo clearly shows me buttonholing him about, that’s right, the state budget (I want it balanced). And redistricting (I want it). And term limits (I’m opposed). For the record, I have great respect for Assemblyman Krekorian and think he’s representing us well on these and other issues. It’s the State Legislature as a whole, and our governor in particular, that I’m up to here with.
By the way, the story erroneously reports that we had only 25 people for this picnic. I understand their mistake, given that it seems to be a policy of the Times (and, by extension, the Leader) to get at least one major fact wrong in every story. In actuality, we had about 75 people. Much closer to the number at this guy’s event.