Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Happy anniversaries

Twenty-two years ago this evening, we opened Moving Arts. Throughout that time, our mission has been to premiere new plays by new writers. In 1992, we opened an evening of two of my one-acts. On Saturday night, 22 years later almost to the day, we open “The Gun Show,” a new play written by EM Lewis, a writer and friend (and former student) I admire tremendously. We’ve got a new artistic director who is talented and smart, and we’ve got an ongoing tradition of good plays done well by talented people. Tomorrow night will be no exception. It’s thrilling to me that this is the way we celebrate that anniversary: with another new production.

Tomorrow night I celebrate an anniversary of a very different sort. Twenty-seven years ago tomorrow, my girlfriend Valorie and I got married. Yes, on Halloween, and yes in costume. We dressed in replicas of 17th century French court clothes; my father was a clown and my mother was a witch (in costume, not in real life); my new father-in-law was Henry the 8th and my new mother-in-law wore replicated traditional Hawaiian garb. One friend came as a jester, the Roesbergs came as Groucho Marx and Mae West, my one brother was an Arab sheik and my other brother was a butler and my sister came as a cowgirl and the list of costumes goes on and on throughout the 200 attendees. We all had a fine, fine time. My wife and I produced that event and, years later, three children.

Whether for the theatre or the marriage, not every anniversary has felt like it merited an anniversary celebration. But especially when you realize that you’re in the third decade of each, you have to marvel at the accomplishment and be grateful for both.

3 Responses to “Happy anniversaries”

  1. Dan Says:

    I get the feeling you’re leaving something out: How bad did Roesberg embarrass you at the wedding?

  2. Paul Says:

    One of my favorite memories of the wedding was getting ready for it. Val was running around trying to get the banquet room ready for the wedding and the groom, Lee, and the ushers decided it was for the best if we were not in the area of Val. So we did any sane group of guys would do when facing Hurricane Val, we found a bar. There we sat, Lee, me, John Feldbauer, and John Hemmings hiding from Val. We were safe for awhile, that is untitled costumes arrived. We had just gotten a refresh on our adult beverages when Val burst in and screamed the costumes were there and we needed to get then right away. We of course sat there and finished the drinks.

    We did eventually get the costumes and go to the banquet room and had a great time at a Holloween Ball with a wedding.

  3. Ellen Lewis Says:

    Happy anniversary, Lee and Val! And thank you, Lee, for being my playwriting teacher, for inviting me to be part of Moving Arts, and for encouraging me to keep writing. I feel very lucky to have happened into your class! It changed my life.

    Hugs to you both, and happy Halloween!


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