Rate deduction, part 2
If the “incredible offer” made to me by The New Yorker to subscribe for “only” $64.99 a year doesn’t strike you as so incredible either, you can do what Michael Tsai recommends: Call them and pay only $39.99 a year.
If the “incredible offer” made to me by The New Yorker to subscribe for “only” $64.99 a year doesn’t strike you as so incredible either, you can do what Michael Tsai recommends: Call them and pay only $39.99 a year.
May 2nd, 2012 at 7:17 am
The New York Times! I have been reading it’s on-line edition every morning for years. Hooray New York Times.
Recently, access stopped being free. Can’t fault them for that. But at $8/wk it was too expensive for me. So I stopped reading it. For about a month. Then they offered it to me for not quite half that amount. So now I’m reading it again.
I guess the lesson is that prices are fluid, and one shouldn’t simply pay what is asked, but bargain, negotiate, bluff, berate and wheedle (sounds like a comic law firm out of Dickens).
Let’s all try it at the grocery store:
Checker: Loaf of bread, $3.99.
me (or you): I’ll give you $1.95.
Checker: Would you pay $2.76?
me (or you): Not a penny over $2.27….
May 2nd, 2012 at 7:19 am
Additional comment from Mark Chaet: Whoops. You were writing about the New YORKER, not the New YORK TIMES. Me read bad. Bad, bad, bad.
Otherwise, previous comments apply.