Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


What time is it?


It’s time for the LA Times, which is part of “Tronc,” to hire a new copy editor. Because that’s not a clock.

5 Responses to “What time is it?”

  1. Dan Says:

    Very astute!

    But you still don’t get my $1

  2. Lee Wochner Says:

    It’s time for you to send me a dollar. Don’t wait to be one of the last. Join the 13 trailblazers who’ve already sent me a dollar (or more!) and beat out the holiday rush.

  3. Lee Wochner Says:

    Sure I did. And thank you!

  4. Joe Stafford Says:

    Remember analog?

  5. Jim Markley Says:

    Maybe it’s a clock for people who can’t tell time

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