Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.



Just a quick comment:  Ten years after switching to Microsoft Word, I still hate it. What I hate most:  how it “autocorrects” formatting that isn’t wrong — thereby creating problems that I have to find and fix. Secondary to that:  menu items that don’t do what they promise. Example:  the menu item “reveal formatting” — which I think should, well, reveal the formatting in the document so that I can find the source of the frickin’ problem that Word has created and hidden in there — becomes a little icon of a word balloon that I guess you’re supposed to point somewhere for an answer.

(And no, please don’t email me solutions to this problem. No matter how well-intended.)

My son has been praising Apple’s program Pages. Maybe I’ll try it.   Ten years ago I was using Clarisworks or Appleworks or whatever it was called that week and absolutely loving it. But the files didn’t translate correctly, and the Macintosh install base of users was down to… 3%? So, afraid that the program I was using was going to go the way of WordStar and that I’d have no way to share documents, I switched. And ten years ago, I still prefer the old one. That’s not a good thing.

One Response to “Word!”

  1. Dan Says:

    I for one welcome our new word-processing masters.

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