Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Today’s music video

This video comes courtesy of San Diego band The New Forward. I hope you like it, but not too much — because they already broke up. I’m very late to this parade, especially given that I knew the lead singer; we have a mentor in common, David Scott Milton. To me, he was a very influential teacher of writing; to her, she’s Dad. Yes, I remember Abby (or “Ava,” as the band’s site calls her) when she was a little girl, and also several years ago when she was still in high school and my clueless mid-30’s playwright friend was hitting on her one night when David brought her to see one of my plays.

(David, by the way, is still very much with us, and is working on a new play. And let’s keep it that way, always.)

Anyway, here’s the video. I think you’ll agree that as a lead singer she’s quite animated.

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