Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Suds vs. Studs

Here’s a claim that I flat-out don’t believe: that the “craft beer industry” is more important to the San Diego economy than Comic-Con. Here, read the piece for yourself, as found on the freelance entertainment site Examiner.com .

The article tabulates the craft beer industry as putting $299 million into the San Diego economy, while Comic-Con purportedly contributes only $180 million.

But lets look at this another way, in per-day revenue. If these figures are true — if — then craft beer, which is a year-round endeavor, brings in $819,000 a day. (And a lot of that is no doubt attributable to those sweaty fanboys in town for Comic-Con.) That’s not even enough for Lex Luthor’s latest battle suit. But comics, with their annual event lasting only five days, bring in an astounding $36 million per day. That’s Zuckerberg money.

So when it’s comics vs. snooty beer, the ales pale by comparison.

2 Responses to “Suds vs. Studs”

  1. Dan Says:

    For that pun you should only die and be buried.

    (and in thense tense times, perhaps I should add that as a favorite phrase of my late uncle’s and not intended seriously!)

  2. Lefty Joe Says:

    I thought the sheer number of attendees would clinch this argument, no?

    My money’s on Comic Con, someone is hiding it’s commercial success to maintain the status-quo of their own petty fiefdom.

    Maybe the Bookworm is behind this. The Roddy McDowell version, of course, such villainy.

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