Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Responses to Bill Clinton’s forthcoming speech

Today the chair of the California Democratic Party announced that Bill Clinton will be addressing us this Sunday at the Convention. When I shared this with various people today, the news elicited these responses:


“I used to like him.”

“I liked him better when he wasn’t campaigning for his wife.”

“(a sound that was somewhere between a sigh and a groan.)”

Whether or not Bill’s having a positive effect on Hillary’s campaign, he’s sure not doing himself any favors lately.

2 Responses to “Responses to Bill Clinton’s forthcoming speech”

  1. Joey Says:

    Yeah, I used to like him too. But you know what?, that compartMENTALized part of his mind that is now transacting business with ITSELF, is spending it’s political capital downward much the same as it did in it’s interactions with that woman, Miss Lewinski. Trading it’s way into the basement to join with the denizens of Jerry Springer et. als. And in the bargain, it’s probably telling other parts of the pizza slices of compartments that, “it’s okay, there’s a book deal in the offing, perhaps 3 or 4 if she files for divorce after Obama takes the oath.” You just can’t talk to Bill Clinton’s without suffering the set-back of talking to ALL of the Bill Clinton’s. Which is why he just couldn’t believe that that blue dress wound up in the freezer. Be sure to tell all of the Bill’s that I said ‘ugh’.

  2. Joey Says:

    One more thing: A far better, far wiser Democrat once said these words, I am hoping to get this right, but know that it’s approximate. “In a campaign for any elective office, the very difficult thing is to not say something that renders you unworthy of the office”. – – Adlai Stevenson

    Imagine that, an intelligent Democrat.

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