Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Rehabilitating Bush


The current Newsweek tries to imagine how to rehabilitate George W. Bush’s reputation. They go for the obvious — admit the mistakes on Iraq and the economy; lay claim for improving education, and AIDS treatment in Africa; and blame everything else on how “the terrorists” changed the game and nobody had a playbook.

But I’ve got a better way to rehabilitate him, one that should be even more obvious: Send him to prison. That’s what it’s there for.

4 Responses to “Rehabilitating Bush”

  1. Joe Says:

    Maybe, just maybe it begins with Dick Cheney pulling his back out of kelter while moving…he’ll be in a wheelchair on Tuesday … how’s that for sympathy? Meanwhile in punditland, some dopey right-wing nutjob said on Fox Nudes today that Mr. Bush inheritied September 11. Where’s my calendar, wait a sec, I don’t need one.

    Meanwhile, I’m totally STOKED.

  2. Joe Says:

    And another thing… The economic downturn is made mildly sweeter by knowing how much longer it will take W. to build a library. His daddy won’t let him into his.

  3. Dan Says:

    I’d just like the little twit — and all the litle twits he surrounded himself with — to admit they f*cked up big-time.

    Naah, that’s clearly beyond them. Just send the a**h***s to Prison.

  4. Isabel Storey Says:

    Maybe he could go to Guantanamo…where he’d be sure to get a fair, speedy trial.

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