Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


One elephant who didn’t forget

Regardless of the GOP members of the House who uniformly shunned the economic stimulus package, at least one Republican Senator has noticed the political trendlines and hasn’t forgotten 2006 (let alone November 2008). Minority leader Mitch McConnell says the GOP has to change. (Well, only if they want to stay in business, so to speak.)

But he also says: “It’s clear our message isn’t getting out to nearly as many people as it should … Too often we’ve let others define us. And the image they’ve painted isn’t very pretty.”

I have a different theory about this:  Your message got out loud and clear, and people don’t want it.

2 Responses to “One elephant who didn’t forget”

  1. Paul Crist Says:

    I don’t think the message was the problem it was the Republicans actions that hurt them the most.

  2. Joe Says:

    Yeah, that, and at the inaugural, Cheney looked like miserly old Henry F. Potter from “It’s a Wonderful Life” only Lionel Barrymore was WAY better then the former Vice-President. Fuck Republicans, and not in the good way.

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