Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


No home for integrity


It’s bad enough when public officials misappropriate funds. (“Misappropriate” being jargon for “misdirect” — or “steal.”)

But when the money you’re “misappropriating” is from low-income people, and is intended to assist them with housing, when, in other words, the intention of the money is to help keep families off the street, and so therefore your ill-gotten goods may be shoving people out into a life of homelessness — then you’re loathsome. I’ve seen what despicable is, and it is you.

Here’s what it looks like.

One Response to “No home for integrity”

  1. Joe Stafford Says:

    Nucky Johnson was the COUNTY TREASURER of Atlantic County, New Jersey (to this day, it’s an unelected position). He could have taught these pikers a thing or three, sadly all they did with their power was narcissistic self engorgement. At least Nucky gave some of his ill-earned largesse in raising his investment to greater return. Of him it has been said, he fed the poor, clothed the naked, and heated homes of out-of-work laborers. Why? So they could live the winter and be back at work when summer came round again, cheaper to do that to keep his machine oiled than go find new workers (in the deep South), after all buses cost money. FDR and J. Edgar ‘got’ Nucky, but not for what he was guilty of, only for what they could get him on. Not like these yahoos. Yeah, these idiots here just wanted flat screen TVs. Nucky was a Pharo, with rule over a petty fiefdom, one such as the world had never seen, nor may never see again. Nucky had the attention of wealthy and poor alike, everyone knew who he was. When his jail sentence was up, you could find him with his wife at the Knife and Fork Inn or the Neptune Inn or in Jack Guishard’s Steak House, he continued to be loved. He died in the Atlantic County Nursing Home in Northfield, not quite as ignominiously as as our hero at the end of Amedeus, but close enough.

    These guys should consider a move to the Antarctic when their term is up, everyone in Southern California is after their asses. Know the difference.

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