Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


New Year’s diminution

While my wife and I were celebrating New Year’s Eve hosting a dinner party for seven friends, my good friend Doug Hackney was in a surgical suite watching his wife get a small chunk of her back removed.  Here’s why.

One Response to “New Year’s diminution”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    As a letter carrier, I work out in the sun all day. But when I was a child I had a problem from getting lots of sun at the start of summer, after being out of it all winter. I would get a terrible itch that had to be treated with ice cold compresses. Because of that, I always wear sunblock, long sleeves until the weather becomes really hot, and my trusty pith helmet (which is good if the top of your head is slightly bald all over).

    Doug’s message can’t be repeated too often. Several of my fellow carriers have had to have skin removed. I’m fortunate that I look terrific even without a tan. You’re probably not that lucky, but looking like George Hamilton isn’t worth risking your life for.

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