Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


More on tongue splitting

Last week I embedded this video of a young lady with a forked tongue. All over town, I’ve gotten responses to that. Now I know exactly who among my friends and acquaintances reads my blog, because they greet me this way: “Oh my God, that video!” Tonight I found out that my teenage son’s entire class watched it today in school. I’m glad to shape the hearts and minds of our future leaders, but maybe not like this.

That video shows the young woman demonstrating her adroit facility with a forked tongue, which no doubt leaves lingering images in male minds. But everyone has speculated over what the surgery necessary for acquiring a forked tongue might be like. Well, speculate no longer: Here it is. Warning: I’m not embedding it because it’s not for the faint of heart, and not just because the soundtrack is by Nickleback. You’ve been warned.

And now I think I’d like to leave this topic for good. But not before adding that while I’m in favor of universal health care, this video reminds me that some things are better left out of the universe.

One Response to “More on tongue splitting”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    Her tongue might create certain images in the male mind but those fangs add some less welcome mental pictures.

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