Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Money laundering, Part 2

You may recall that the dry cleaner at first tried to charge me $95.20, I told them it should be $78.22, they countered with $72.07, and we finally settled upon $74.35.

I just logged into my bank account to pay some bills and see that they charged my debit card for a total of $67.88.


2 Responses to “Money laundering, Part 2”

  1. Dan Says:

    Obviously someone playing GASLIGHT-games with you.

  2. leewochner.com » Blog Archive » The shirt not off my back Says:

    […] When I picked up my order, and paid the extremely low price of just over thirty bucks (!) for an order that, had it been placed with the upscale dry cleaner here in town, would’ve equaled the downpayment on a Maserati, the count wasn’t quite right. Counting tax, they charged me thirty-five-something; reference to the dropoff receipt in my hand showed a balance due of thirty-six-something. Shades of my last dry cleaner! (Again, see here and here.) […]

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