Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.



I’ve gotten several private emails from others unhappy about the invidious comparisons between illegal immigrants and, well, burglars, kidnappers, filthy birds, animals, and the like.

That sort of gross distortion brings to mind this video.

3 Responses to “Hyperbole”

  1. mark chaet Says:

    I’m so glad I watched the video. I going to spend the weekend reconsidering my plans to invade Poland.

  2. Joey Says:

    Ah yes, Gross Distortion, from that same
    wonderful group that last year brought you
    High Tech, High Gloss, High-pocracy.

    Don’t miss a single episode. Download yours today!

    They didn’t say anything about my
    bad habit of swiping logo ashtrays
    from hotels all over the world, back
    in the day when you were allowed to
    SMOKE in your room! Sheesh.

    I quit smoking on 2/11/2007

  3. leewochner.com » Blog Archive » The terminal diagnosis of theatre, Part 2 Says:

    […] putting words in his mouth, or by drawing hyperbolic comparisons. (Hopefully, not as outrageous as this one.) Straw man arguments, though, set up false targets (hence, the straw man); the charge […]

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