Holiday fear
Here’s the latest nonsense fear cooked up by someone somewhere to keep us in a state of purposeless panic: Supposedly, kids are now snorting nutmeg.
This is only the latest unfounded threat trundling our way. My second-favorite remains that your ringing cellphone might electrocute you. The title of favorite false alarm goes to those “killer bees” that have been winging their way to us since the 1970’s. Those are some very slow bees.
Here’s the thing that nobody will ever email you, that you won’t see in the news — and I say this will full awareness of the recent financial struggles many people have faced — for the vast majority of people on the planet, things have never been better. Bubonic plague is just about gone; few of us have landed lieges forcing us to scrape in the muck all day; mortality during childbirth is at an all-time low; five out of six of us can get a drink of water easily; and more people have more regular access to education and information than ever before in history.
I’ll take all of that, and a lot more I could list, over misguided fears that somewhere some bored adolescent may have snorted nutmeg. And y’know what? If he did, he deserves whatever nasty little high he got. Because I can’t even stand the taste of nutmeg. I can only imagine how thrilling it is stuffed into your head.
December 16th, 2010 at 5:17 pm
My favorite retort to chronic complainers:
“You’d scream FAMINE, with a huge loaf of bread under each arm!”
Regarding nutmeg: …ew, get that away from me…
Regarding addictions: at age 7 I was caught drinking vanilla extract straight
from the bottle. I was standing in front of the cabinet, standing on the counter.
I was punished worse for that, than I was for backing the
’57 Plymouth Station Wagon into Shore Road.
God, I just loved that car. It was my first station wagon. Ahhhhh…
December 16th, 2010 at 5:23 pm
You forgot Smallpox, it’s basically gone too. Smallpox is now referred to as post-eradicated, and unlikely to be a public health threat, anywhere in the world. Unless some human being gets hold of the samples.
December 16th, 2010 at 5:28 pm
And the supposed zombie threat is chronically overstated.
December 17th, 2010 at 5:10 pm
tell that to the ones walking down the Indian Cabin Road at 3am every morning…one of them zombie dudes is wearing buckskin with way too much fringe…not that there’s anything wrong with that!!!!