Cursed by fortune
This is the fortune I found today in my fortune cookie from Wokcano. In case you can’t read it, here’s what it says:
You will always live in interesting times.
Although, to paraphrase Wallace Shawn in “My Dinner With Andre,” I don’t believe the fortune cookie has any mystic powers, I was nevertheless stunned to see this. While I didn’t expect an accurate fortune, I certainly never thought I’d get a famous and ancient curse.
January 14th, 2010 at 4:22 am
I always fantasized about opening a fortune cookie with something like:
January 19th, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Lee: How many of those got printed?
January 19th, 2010 at 4:47 pm
“My Dinner with Andre” such a savory word-movie, my favorite scene is the waiter explaining to Wally Shawn what Vichyssoise is. The waiter, apparently not an actor, appears to be on the brink of death as a result of advanced age. I need to do a little bit of looking around for a clip.
But Wally Shawn has a quote on the imdb that you would like Lee: “The life of a playwright is tough. It’s not easy as some people seem to think. You work hard writing plays and nobody puts them on. You take up other lines of work to make a living – I became an actor – and people don’t hire you. So you just spend your days doing the errands of your trade.” As I think about Shawn’s plaintive voicing in that movie, I have to remember how lucky I am that I’m not a clinically depressed person.