Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Broken Arrow

So what happens when you’re on your way to Lake Arrowhead (elevation: 5191 feet) and a blizzard leaves snow at 3,000 feet and up and forces a shutdown of all the roads?

You wind up staying in the Fairfield Inn & Suites in San Bernardino. Which in an earlier time would’ve been called:  a truckstop.

3 Responses to “Broken Arrow”

  1. Dan Says:

    Sounds like Fate gave you a chance to re-connect with the Heart of the Real America. Was it a life-changing experience?

  2. Larry Says:

    I safely spent Monday night in Vegas, but not until after climbing the Halloran Pass summit with increasing fog and snowfall from 3,000 feet up–about 20 minutes in slo-mo…. Just drive straight, don’t change lanes, and chug along at 50. Or else– move an inch either way and spinout into the ditch. And finally it all went away on the downside.
    It had been years, but it sure took me back …

  3. Rich Roesberg Says:

    Right, but truckstop food is always terrific. Isn’t it?

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