Boo, humbug!
Okay, so not everyone likes Halloween. (Like this guy, for instance.)
Or like these two, who really aren’t into it at all:
But I like it enormously.
- I love it when costumed kids come to the door and get candy from me. (Finally, I think — somebody else gets to have all those dental expenses!)
- I like seeing all the neighborhood houses done up for the event.
- I like going to haunted attractions.
- I even like office costume parties. Here’s a couple of photos from the one at our office. (I’m the one who came as our real president.)
In fact, I love the occasion so much that 32 years ago I married this beautiful woman on Halloween and as part of a big costume party wedding. Here we are in the French court costumes we got married in, in the long-ago year of 1987. Remarkably, we look the same in those photos as we did then!
So, no, I have no truck with those opposed to Halloween.
It’s Thanksgiving I can’t stand.
December 12th, 2019 at 6:49 am
Now I understand your reticence to praise the Irishman. You’re frickin’ jealous that you weren’t cast in it. Jersey Lee.