A suggestion for GOP members of Congress who oppose Trump
Maybe stay and fight?
Even in an election you’re going to lose. Because then we’d really understand that, for you, it’s about country over party.
Or, how about this: switch party affiliation. Now. While you’re still in office.
Because, as someone noted on Twitter:
If McCain, Corker, and Jeff Flake want to stop Trump, they should LEAVE HIS PARTY.
52 Republicans in Senate
52 – 3 = 49 = no more majority
That’d make for real impact.
October 25th, 2017 at 4:52 am
Brilliant. But why haven’t they thought of it?
December 6th, 2017 at 11:21 am
Maybe because it has less to do with Republican vs Democrat and more to do with Establishment vs Outsider. Besides McCain and Susan Collins vote Democrat as often as they vote Republican