Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


A message from George Carlin’s daughter

In honor of The Mark Twain Prize honoring my father tonight, Wednesday Feb. 4 at 9PM on PBS, AND more importantly to point out the fact that the 7 Words You Can’t Say on Television are still deemed indecent almost 40 years later and will be bleeped in said special tonight – I am sending you the 7 WORDS that you will be missing tonight, and ask that you pass them on to 7 PEOPLE today.

This chain letter will not bring untold riches or dreams coming true.
It might make some people laugh, and it might make others cry.
It could possibly get you in trouble (depending on who you send it to).
But most probably, it will just remind people of my dad, who was funny and a great teacher, and a way cool father.
Oh, yeah, and the hypocrisy of language that still exists.

So here they are:

Enjoy. Keep the Chain alive. Have a great day.
And watch the show. It is wonderful.

Kelly Carlin-McCall

2 Responses to “A message from George Carlin’s daughter”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    Toward the end it seemed to me that Carlin’s performances turned from comedy to ranting. I remember seeing one where he was saying big businessmen were terrible people and needed to be punished. The audience roared its agreement. Nobody laughed. It resembled a rally, rather than the incisive comedy of his prime years, or the absurd comedy he brought us earlier in his career.

  2. Joe Says:

    And tits doesn’t even belong on the list, according to the late Carlin, it was ‘a snack’ …yes, I know, it IS. I HOPE I get to RANT when I find OUT I AM GOING to DIE! It seems to me (in my ability to still stand up and RANT in agreement with Uncle Rich or anyone else for that matter) that incisive or not, Carlin told audiences what they needed to know before THEY KNEW they needed to know it. That’s like admiring the early funny movies of Woody Allen, rather than the later sad ones. Pittui, I say. Long live ranting! Outrage needs us, and we need outrage!

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