Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


Musicals accompanyin’ me

I’ve never cared for or about musicals. This may be a bias picked up from my father, who tended toward the literal and couldn’t figure out why a guy in a movie would break out into a song while getting drenched in the process. (“Hey, dummy — get outta the rain!”) It’s surprising to say the least that I’m seeing three musicals this month: “1776” (which I already saw, at Actors Co-Op, and loved), “Sweeney Todd” (seen last Friday night at the Ahmanson. in a not-good production), and, this Friday night, “The Dead” at Open Fist in Hollywood. I saw “The Dead” about five years ago at, again, the Ahmanson, and although my seats were somewhere up on the surface of the moon, I was completely drawn in to this musicalization of the story by James Joyce; it was utterly moving without being sentimental. (Treacly sentiment being one of those things that tend to keep me away from musicals.) I hear that production by Open Fist is good, and I’m greatly looking forward to it. But three musicals in one month, and all by choice? That’s unprecedented.

And actually, it winds up being FOUR, if you count this one:

One Response to “Musicals accompanyin’ me”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    That video demonstrates exactly what I do like about musicals. It kills me when everyone just starts singing about whatever. Recently watched HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS and cracked up over the Brotherhood of Man number. Also, the entire LIL ABNER is jake by me.

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