Extremely affordable housing in a tough market
I have friends looking to buy a house. Here in Los Angeles, that’s a pricey proposition. But why pay $650,000 and up, when you can have this creative starter home for a mere one dollar?
(Not counting towing fees. And no, AAA won’t handle this — it weighs 10,000 pounds.)
It’s spacious — because it was designed to replicate living in space.
And if the zombie apocalypse, or nuclear armageddon, or The Purge comes, I can think of no safer place.
August 2nd, 2016 at 12:59 am
Beauty is functional… I guess.
August 2nd, 2016 at 2:57 pm
I can’t wait to show Diana! It looks roomy and cozy and rustic and futuristic all at the same time. And with a blowtorch and some soldering equipment, we could even add a room or two. I do need a man cave after all; somewhere I can kick back and play Skyrim. The possibilities are endless!
August 15th, 2016 at 5:31 am
One could make quite statement about the human condition while living in a giant suppository. Might not want to site it on a slope…