Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


On self-entitled snotty kids who treat customers badly

Thank you, Louis C.K. Thank you for the return of comic as moralist — Jonathan Swift would be proud — and thank you for being so right about this in particular. I think I’ll share this with Milt & Edie’s.

2 Responses to “On self-entitled snotty kids who treat customers badly”

  1. Dan Says:

    Okay, I’m just asking: When you go into a store, do you REALLY think that whatever you’re buying is more important than the personal life of a young person at an impressionable age?

  2. The Monday Moment : LA Bitter Lemons Says:

    […] this video of comic Louis CK on Lee Wochner’s blog and Lee puts it best, “Thank you, Louis C.K. Thank you for the return of comic as moralist […]

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