Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.




The other day at a Chinese restaurant, my son opened his fortune cookie and this is what he found:  A fortune that read “A SURPRISE WILL COME FROM AN UNEXPECTED SOURCE.” And then right behind that fortune, he found the surprise:  The same fortune, again.

2 Responses to “Irony”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    My all time favorite Chinese fortune cookie message was “What do you find in an empty box?” I liked it so much that I wrote it in my personal book of quotes.

    The best made-up fortune I ever read was “The babysitter has just bitten your child.” Not sure where I saw it. Maybe Mad magazine?

  2. Barry Says:

    Well, the second one was a surprise for the first, of course. But the surprise of which the second one speaks would have to be from an expected source since you’d be expecting the unexpected source which would make it an expected source whereas an expected source in this instance would be unexpected. I expect.

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