Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


My wife’s review of the new Sparks album, which I got for Christmas and which she can hear from her sickbed

“This sounds like Tiny Tim, Monty Python, and some horrible bubblegum pop band got into an accident and spewed this out.”

2 Responses to “My wife’s review of the new Sparks album, which I got for Christmas and which she can hear from her sickbed”

  1. Rich Roesberg Says:

    I might want that. Could she please tell me which horrible bubblegum band it reminds her of?

  2. leewochner.com » Blog Archive » Today’s music video Says:

    […] This Saturday, I’m seeing the outre band Sparks with two good friends. They’ll be playing the their entirety the “classic” album “Kimono My House” as well as their new release, “Exotic Creatures of the Deep.” (And here’s what my wife thinks of that one.) […]

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