Lee Wochner: Writer. Director. Writing instructor. Thinker about things.


It can’t all be up to… West Virginia?

So Hillary Clinton’s running around West Virginia saying, in effect, “As goes West Virginia, so goes the nation.” At least, that’s what this says. Her argument: That no Democrat has won the White House without West Virginia since 1916, and that “If West Virginia had voted for our Democratic nominee in 2000 and 2004, we wouldn’t have had to put up with George Bush for the last seven and a half years.”

First point first. Message to Hillary: It’s 2008. History is changing. Or haven’t you noticed that a (half) black man is about to be the presidential nominee of a major party? You can’t run all over the country for a year and a half and say we’re about to make history, and then act like all that matters are the lessons of the past. It’s one or the other.

Second point. It’s true that if West Virginia had voted for Gore or Kerry, we would have avoided Bush (unless he and his cohorts had found another way to steal these elections, which isn’t inconceivable). It’s also true that if ANY other state had voted for Gore or Kerry, that would have happened. Moreover, if an asteroid had crushed Crawford, Texas when Bush was there sleeping any time up until November 2000, we would have been spared George W. Bush. In other words: It doesn’t matter. It’s that past thing again, that thing that seems to confuse you, that thing you like to use some times and ignore other times. (As when, say, you vote to attack nations that haven’t attacked you first, and then change your rationale repeatedly.)

As regards West Virginia, can it truly matter that much? Sure, it’s the site of the nation’s first 4H Club, and the first federal prison exclusively for women, and it’s got the third-largest cave in the United States. But it’s never done one of my plays.

5 Responses to “It can’t all be up to… West Virginia?”

  1. Pajamas Media » Clinton, Obama in West Virginia Showdown Says:

    […] Come on Hillary, does West Virginia truly matter that much? (Lee Wochner) […]

  2. Paul Crist Says:

    I think Hillary is grasping at straws trying to find a reason to stay in the race. Any other person would have concluded that the fight was lost and worked for the better glory of the party. Instead she is making herself out to be a poor loser and discrediting Bill’s legacy.


  3. Werner Trieschmann Says:

    Bill did plenty enough on his own to discredit his legacy.

  4. Dan Says:

    Never forget the ability/tendency of persons in high places to hear what they want to hear — just look at “w.”

  5. Joey Says:

    The ‘ad mill’ known as television would today have us believe that it’s actually Kentucky that decides the entire thing: “BE SURE TO WATCH UBS-TV’s ALL DAY COVERAGE AS HISTORY IS MADE, now this…” and then they split the screen 62 ways to show all of the field reporters standing with various stupid backrounds. That’s what I dealt with this morning at 6:30 eastern.

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